Bill T. Jones: Still/Here with Bill Moyers, a film by Bill Moyers and David Grubin
Kenneth Frazelle: Life in Art and Music, by Treehouse Mobile Studio
Tenor Kenneth Pettigrew discusses the vocal music of Kenneth Frazelle:
Frazelle lecture: "Deciphering and Bonding with a New Score"
“Swan Calls Fit for a Symphony,” on NPR’s All Things Considered
WFDD’s David Ford talks with KF about A Book of Days
WFDD’s David Ford talks with KF and Barbara Lister-Sink about musicians who paint
WFDD’s David Ford interviews KF and Larelyn Dossett about Songs in the Rear View Mirror
WFDD’s David Ford interviews KF and James Albritten about The Motion of Stone
KF and Andrea Moore talk about Through the Window in an interview on WHUP in Hillsborough, NC
Contempora Podcasts interview on Songs in the Rear View Mirror with George Marshall
“Talking Shop with Kenneth Frazelle,” by Molly Sheridan, New Music Box
Kenneth Frazelle biography at Subito Music Corporation
"Kenneth Frazelle enjoys both composing and painting," by Kathy Norcross Watts, Winston-Salem Journal
Q&A with Kenneth Frazelle at Subito Music